Josh Wilcox
I’ve juggled careers as an indie filmmaker and pro poker player over 15 years now, and the hustle is remarkably similar for both. After working in Atlanta as a first AD, producer, and director on numerous film, tv, and commercial projects including producing the feature, “The Dark Red," I moved to LA to focus on screenwriting and development.
All my screenplays have an eye toward budget and ease of production, as informed by my experiences on set.​​

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Other Scripts

The lone caretaker of a vessel in deep space must repel an alien infestation before it destroys the ship and kills the rest of the sleeping crew.
Low budget sci fi, limited cast, single location. "Cryo" is "Moon" meets "Gravity" with horror and psychological thriller elements.
Received 8+ on blcklst.com
In July 1919, Eugene Williams was killed on a beach in Chicago, sparking the largest race riots in our country's history. "Red Summer" follows the Williams family before and after the tragedy.
A tv pilot that uses the Chicago meatpacking district to expose an unexplored catastrophe in our country's history.
Received 8+ on blcklst.com

What happens when Lady Gaga's adorable french bulldogs are kidnapped and a million dollar reward goes out? Absolute f--cking chaos. True story, really happened (sorta). Oh, and we follow the whole thing from the dogs' point of view.
Comedy feature. Pulp Fiction meets Homeward Bound.
- Semifinalist at Austin Film Fest 2024